I have a passion for creating fun yoga events that bring people together and make exercising the mind and body fun!!


Kim has been practicing yoga since 1999 and teaching since 2015. She completed her 100 and 200 hour power yoga  certification through Amazing Yoga and became Buti yoga certified in 2017 and completed her Advanced Buti Yoga Training in 2018.

Kim says, “Since my training, I have fallen even deeper in love with this powerful, athletic style of yoga. It challenges me to strengthen my weaknesses, the flow of the practice quiets my mind, and it encourages strength and flexibility. The lessons I learn on my yoga mat help me in my everyday life. The practice of yoga has taught me balance, gratitude, and to listen to my heart. Yoga has taught me that it is okay not to be perfect and to let the space between where I am and where I want to be inspire me.” 


Live life as if you were to die tomorrow. Learn as if you were to live forever.

— Mahatma Ghandi


"I infuse every day of my life with mindful living and creativity -from teaching art, editing photographs, posting on Instagram, or trying a new recipe; I just love to create new things! I like glitter, messy buns, peace, love, recycling, eyeliner, and any music with a good beat. I have an undying urge to travel, wander, and explore. Yoga has helped me to be more present and be grateful for every moment, opportunity, and lesson. I hope to continue to evolve as a teacher and am always looking for new classes and styles of yoga to try!!”